"Since Martin Luther King, Jr.'s death, several persons, especially those seeking data for an article or book, have asked me whether I knew in what way I was influencing his life. The answer is an unqualified 'No.' There is no way one can know the degree of influence one has upon another.” ~ Dr. Benjamin E. Mays, in Born to Rebel

MMUF Resources


UNM MMUF Contract - Fellows sign the contract when they accept the MMUF offer.

UNM MMUF Semester Project Proposal - Fellows complete the project proposal at the beginning of every Fall/Spring semester with their mentors. The mentor's signature is required.

UNM Photo/Video Release Form - All fellows are asked to fill out the consent form. The photos are used for this website, press release, reception program, etc.

MMUF Research Fund Request Form 

MMUF Travel Fund Request Form