“What sets MMUF apart is the way it illuminates the connection between diversity and academic excellence; the importance it places on mentoring relationships; its injunction to students to build supportive networks; the positive functions of the cohort; the disposition to collaborate as well as compete; and the obligation to pay these benefits forward to the next generation of young scholars.”

~ Armando Bengochea, MMUF Director, The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation


Fellows two
  • Research Opportunity – Fellows will engage in significant research projects in their fields.
  • Professional Development – Fellows will develop analytical thinking, communicating, writing, and presenting skills.
  • Faculty Mentor – Fellows will be paired with faculty providing one-on-one mentoring.
  • Graduate School Preparation – The MMUF program provides guidance for the graduate application process including GRE preparation.
  • Stipends – Fellows will receive stipends ($2,000/semester) up to four semesters. Fellows are also awarded summer stipends ($4,500) for two summers. Additional funding is available to Fellows for related travel and research materials.
  • Post-Undergraduate – MMUF program activities will further the goal of preparing fellows for graduate school. Fellows receive academic and financial support through the Social Science Research Council and the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation.